Growth Mindset has interested me

Image - Human Brain

I have never heard of growth mindset or Carol Dweck but I was really interested in what she was saying and I strongly agree with her beliefs. 

I believe anyone can do anything that they put their mind too, if you put enough effort into something you will get results and sometimes to get good results it can take a lot of time and a lot effort but in the end you will get there. When I was growing up I always thought when people got better grades than me that they where just better than me, this would lead to me just eventually not putting any effort in and dropping to lower level classes and just giving up. 

Now that I have gotten older I have realised you get what you put into stuff but a lot of kids don't know this because of how society works they just think if they don't get good grades then their just not good enough and eventually they start to just give up. If society praised kids for the effort they put into things instead of the grades they get, I believe we would as people all have more interest to learn and we would have a lot better work rates.

Image - Growth Mindset

Kids who have fixed mindsets don't exactly form that mindset themselves a lot could have do with their up bringing, life experiences and their confidence. Some people just beat themselves down and don't believe in themselves but this can be fixed with the right support and the right education they can learn that they can do anything. 

A lot of kids struggle in school and school just isn't for them, some kids thrive on and get great grades but that doesn't mean the kid who gets great grades is better then the kid who is confused and doesn't know where to start. If the kid who isn't great in school was praised for every little effort he or she made they would want to keep working and keep trying and eventually they would get the hand of it.

All and all I thought Carols points were great and I would be interested to see what else she has done and to read up more about her. 


  1. Hey, Nathan
    I strongly agree anyone can anything if they put time and effort into what they wish to achieve but I think in some cases people need to be encouraged and motivated in order to have a better chance at succeeding.
    I also agree that kids develop "fixed mindset" because of their life experiences.


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