
Showing posts with the label Week 2

Time Strategies

I think managing time is an extemely important thing to do for everyone. The two articles I read are the psychology of checklists by Lauren Marchese and time management tips just for creatives  by Amanda Oliver.  I found both articles extremely interesting and very helpful. I think checklists are really important and like the article said they are very satisfying for us and make us very happy when we mark something off on a checklist. For me what I use is notes on my iPhone and my Mac, what I do is just list everything I need to do and when I'm done something I just delete it off and it is very satisfying for me to see the list gradually getting smaller. The article on time management tips just for creatives was also very interesting, some tips I found really useful and I'm going to try to work them for example, to work on the worst things first it was interesting what it said about that and I'm going to remember that from now on because it is true when your dreading doing

Technology tools

I'm familiar with all of the tools that we will be using but some of them I haven't used to much in the past so I'm interested and excited to learn more about them and learn how to use them more.  Image - image of technology One thing I need to start using for not only this module but every module is bookmarking its's such an easy tool to use and it's so handy, for some reason its just something I never used even though I've always known that it's there but it's just something I never started using.  As I also mentioned in a previous blog I want to really improve on my writing skills so doing these blogs all the time will really help me achieve that. 

Back to Assignments

Image - Console controller College has started back and so have the assignments and it's a good feeling to be back working on them even though they can be stressful.  When I picked this course there was many different things I was excited for but game development was one of the things on top of that last. I'm a gamer myself so to start creating games and using the Unity software really excites me.  Blog writing is one thing I really want to improve on this semester even though I don't think I'm to bad I feel like I have lot of room for improvement and being a good writer is a great skill to have.  For the extra credit assignments I want to try and complete as many as I can every week to be sure I get the max amount of points I can so I can achieve a good grade. One of the extra credit assignments I will be interested to do more is the growth mindset ones, not only are you getting extra credits but you're actually learning a lot and getting a better mindset in the p

Growth Mindset has interested me

Image - Human Brain I have never heard of growth mindset or Carol Dweck but I was really interested in what she was saying and I strongly agree with her beliefs.  I believe anyone can do anything that they put their mind too, if you put enough effort into something you will get results and sometimes to get good results it can take a lot of time and a lot effort but in the end you will get there. When I was growing up I always thought when people got better grades than me that they where just better than me, this would lead to me just eventually not putting any effort in and dropping to lower level classes and just giving up.  Now that I have gotten older I have realised you get what you put into stuff but a lot of kids don't know this because of how society works they just think if they don't get good grades then their just not good enough and eventually they start to just give up. If society praised kids for the effort they put into things instead of the grades they get, I be

Introduction to Nathan's world

Welcome to my introduction blog, I hope after you read this you will get to know me a little better and I hope you enjoy!   So, my name is Nathan, I’m from Clondalkin in Dublin and I’m 20 years old but most people call me Gino it’s a nickname that stuck with me years ago and people have called me it ever since and to be honest I weirdly started to like it and I’m more used to it then my own name now.    Back in 2018 I finished school and from there I went on and did a PLC in Stillorgan College studying Event Management and Digital Marketing quickly enough when I was in the course I started to realize I liked the creative side of things a lot more than anything else for example creating posters and leaflets for events. After I discovered this, I started to research a bit into what I wanted to do after the PLC and luckily enough I found this course and as soon as I seen it, I knew it was for me. After I went to the open day I was really excited and hoping I would get accepted for the cou

Favourite Game's

Gaming as a kid To say I game a lot would be an understatement I've being playing video games on all consoles for really as long as I can remember. My first ever console that I fell in love with was my PlayStation 2 my uncle got it for me and well it was great in some ways but I played a bit to much Grand Theft Auto when I was young and started thinking I was a gangster in real life which led to my Mam being strict on what I was playing however when I was in my nanny's she had no clue what game was what so I still always got to play it. Growing up my favourite game's where Grand Theft Auto, Bully and Warriors.  When gaming changed When I got a bit older I remember the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 was coming out so I had to make a decision on what to get for Christmas it was a hard choice but I went for the Xbox mainly because for something different I played a lot of PlayStation 2 and PSP so a change was good. When I got the Xbox it really was a major upgrade from previous co