Tech Task: Embed Twitter Widget in Sidebar
I actually did this task a few weeks ago but never wrote up a blog about. When I first did it I made the mistake of adding one tweet not the whole timeline so for a few days after each tweet I did I was adding it sepretaly and then I realised there is a a way of adding your whole timeline... So ye I felt stupid.
Don't make the mistake I made!
Image - Feeling Dumb GIF
Want to learn how to do this? - Twitter Widget
I find this funny because I have also done this quite a bit! and made the mistake of doing blog and twitter posts but never sending them in on the declaration. I like your layout page. yellow goes with the black well. I also really like the font but I think the font would look more ideal with this type in black and have a different yellow font here. Just so it is a little easier to read. other than that., Love the layout.