Unity Tutorial 09

This week I found my own tutorials to follow and add to my game. The first tutorial I found was a tutorial that shows how to end a game when it reaches a certain time. This tutorial was only a short tutorial, but it took me a while to find, I had to watch a lot of videos before I found the right one. (Link to tutorial)

When my game reaches a time of 4 minutes this screen comes up:

This screen allows you to replay or quit. 

Image - Screenshot of my game (My own image) 

Second tutorial I followed was one where it creates an end point for my game. This means when the player gets out of the house in my game they will win and get a message showing that they won. (Link to tutorial)

This is the winning screen that will display:



Like the other screen there will be an option to replay or quit. 

Image - Screenshot of my game (My own image)

I found this week’s tutorials extremely useful and it was definitely nice to add on to my game. With them tutorials done my game is nearly complete now. Over the next week or so I will just be adding the finishing touches but right now the game is 100% playable. I feel as though I’m in a great position with this game and I’m really excited to start adding the last few pieces. 


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