Tutorial 07

Image - GIF - Complete

This week was the final Unity tutorial, and I am happy to be finally finished with them as it helps not having to do them for the remaining weeks as there is lots of other work to be done.

This week I had to create a set of instructions for the player using text mesh pro, this was definitely the shortest unity tutorial so far and there wasn’t really too much to it as that was the final touch to the game.

Image - My Screenshot - Complete Game

I feel that choosing the XR tutorials at the start of the semester was definitely the right option for me as it has thought me a lot of new things and it was definitely more advanced than last semester. I noticed the 2d tutorials had a lot more Unity and the first 4 weeks for me was just watching videos and soing things on paper but that was just so I would understand how XR works before just diving into Unity.

I am delighted to be finally finished with Unity for this semester and it was a great experience.


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