
Showing posts from March, 2021

Reading 09

  Image - GIF - Fixing This week I had to give two peers some feedback on their work and I also had to receive feedback and change some of my work around. When giving feedback I firstly just wrote out the general feedback and from there I then highlighted some of the points where I might have seen spelling mistakes, etc. When receiving my feedback, I changed around as much as possible, and I also had to add my h5p link and add all my bibliographies. Images - Screenshots - My comments on peers papers. My h5p link has 3 questions within it and when answered they will give me a good understanding if people gained some of the knowledge they should have from my paper. This week was a light enough task and there wasn’t too much to do, as we have done all of the hard work at the start of the semester now its just all about finishing and polishing everything up before the end of the semester. We now have two weeks off but there is plenty of work to do, I hope everyone has a great Eas...

Tutorial 07

Image - GIF - Complete This week was the final Unity tutorial, and I am happy to be finally finished with them as it helps not having to do them for the remaining weeks as there is lots of other work to be done. This week I had to create a set of instructions for the player using text mesh pro, this was definitely the shortest unity tutorial so far and there wasn’t really too much to it as that was the final touch to the game. Image - My Screenshot - Complete Game I feel that choosing the XR tutorials at the start of the semester was definitely the right option for me as it has thought me a lot of new things and it was definitely more advanced than last semester. I noticed the 2d tutorials had a lot more Unity and the first 4 weeks for me was just watching videos and soing things on paper but that was just so I would understand how XR works before just diving into Unity. I am delighted to be finally finished with Unity for this semester and it was a great experience.

Reading 08

  Image - GIF - Conclusion This week we had to write an introduction and a conclusion to our paragraphs that we have being working on, there was 3 videos linked to the website were our work is provided and they helped me understand what I had to do a little more. When writing my introduction, I tried my best to entice the reader to read on without giving to much away, the whole idea was to give the reader an idea as to what they will be reading and if they find the introduction interesting, they will of course be interested to read some more. It is important that you don’t give a way too much in the introduction because then what would be the point in reading the whole thing. When writing the conclusion, the goal is to explain what everything above means and for me it was explaining were could we possibly go from here with backstories and tragic events. I then had to come with questions and create them on h5p, the questions will help me understand if someone reading my paragr...

Tutorial 06

Image - GIF - Game I found this weeks Unity tutorials to be interesting, they have gotten slightly more difficult, but I still haven’t run into any serious difficulties with them. This week consisted off adding to the tutorials from last week, basically I had to add more stuff for the clamps and change the colour of the clamps and just make it look nicer. Image - Screenshot - Mid Unity Next week will be the last week of Unity tutorials and I feel as though I have come along way since the start of last semester, the fact that these tutorials this semester didn’t feel too difficult proves to me how much I have come along. I’m excited to finish these tutorials off next week because it will make the rest of the semester feel a lot easier without having to do that every week, with that being said I will also miss the tutorials because I have enjoyed them, and they do interest me. Creating games was something I have always wanted to learn so this experience was great for me and I really ...

Reading 07

Image - GIF - Book For this week reading task we had to give two peer’s feedback from last weeks work and we also had to receive feedback and implement it in our work. When giving feedback I read through all the work then wrote the feedback in to a word file and then copy and pasted it to email to them. I then had to receive my feedback and change a few things around. I knew from the lecture on Thursday there was a few little things I had to change then the feedback confirmed it for me, it took me a while to go back over last week’s reading task and get the references, but after that there was only some small changes to be made. This was definitely one of the less time-consuming weeks but it is important to get the paragraphs too the highest standard I can, because they are important for going forward. Next week we will be writing an introduction and a concluision for our review, I am assuming this will be difficult enough but I will have to wait and see.  If cant access post c...

Tutorial 05

  Image - GIF - Gaming Car This week’s tutorials were what I was hoping for, after the first 4 weeks of XR tutorials there was very little Unity, however this week it was some Unity tutorials and I’m excited to finally start them. All though this week there wasn’t much in the tutorials it was more just getting set up and doing some basics, but its fun to get on to Unity. Basically, the first half of the tutorials was just downloading some files and getting the world in Unity set up and then the second half was downloading some assets and adding them into the world with some other small bits. Image - Screenshot - My Unity Work Now that we have finally started using Unity properly with XR I am excited to see what the next tutorials will be and to see exactly what I will be doing. I’m sure the tutorials will get more difficult than this week as this week was easy enough just setting everything up and getting ready for the next tutorials. All though I cant get the full experience f...

Reading 06

Image - GIF - Writing  This week’s reading task was continuing on our writings from the last few weeks, last week I highlighted and gave themes to all the parts I found most relevant in my annotated bibliographies, this week I had to write a paragraph on each theme and use the information I highlighted to help me with that. I found the work we did in the lecture slot definitely helped me understand more as to what exactly we had to do this week and the video linked on the website also helped me see how it is done to high standard. I found that the work this week definitely helped me understand more about writing skills and each week I feel like I’m improving them. It’s definitely difficult to write in this style and would take a long time to get it perfect but I’m definitely happy with where I’m at, at the moment. I think one negative about my bibliographies was that I didn’t put enough quotes in and I can definitely see why that would be important when I got to this stage but ...